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P90x Ab Ripper X Download

by melimibapsucam 2020. 11. 25.

  1. P90x Ab Ripper X Everyday
  2. P90x Ab Ripper X Full Video
  3. Free P90x Ab Ripper X Download
  4. Vidivodo P90x Ab Ripper

Ab ripper x part 1 and ab ripper x part 2 should be done every other day, or as much as possible (don’t do it if your already in pain from the day before.) Number of Reps Per Exercise: 25 Duration of Workout: Approximately 16 minutes.

Posted by9 months ago

Is Ab Ripper X a good, balanced work out for the core? Does it miss anything out / overdo anything?

Been loving Ab Ripper X during the last few weeks (3x a week). I've felt a significant different in strength and by all means intend to keep going.

P90x Ab Ripper X Everyday

Now I'm getting more familiar with it, I wanted to throw out the title question to this subreddit.

For those unfamiliar, Ab Ripper X is an intense quarter hour core workout. You can see it here, I'll also list the exercises below:

  • In-and-outs : 25 Reps

  • Bicycles forward: 25 Reps

  • Bicycles reverse: 25 Reps

  • Crunchy frog: 25 Reps

  • Cross-Leg or Wide-Leg Sit-Up: 25 Reps

  • Fifer Scissors: 25 Reps

  • Hip Rock and Raise: 25 Reps

  • Pulse Up: 25 Reps

  • V-Up Roll-Up: 12 + half

  • Oblique V-Up: 25 each side

  • Leg Climb: 12 each side

  • Mason Twists: 50 Reps

Is this balanced? Is there anything you would add to this?

P90x Ab Ripper X Download

Thanks for your time :)

91% Upvoted

The P90X workout program sucked us in with an infomercial nearly 10 years ago. Tony Horton’s nutrition and fitness plan force you to work on your weaknesses and improve on your strengths. We chose the program because of its variety, notes on using proper form, or an in-depth meal plan.

In this post we’ll look at:

  • The Workouts
  • Meal Plan
  • Who should do P90X
  • What We Loved About It
  • How you can try it free for 2 weeks!

P90x Ab Ripper X Full Video

Grab your P90X Schedules Here

P90X is all about variety and challenging you.

It’s an advanced at-home workout program that is designed to get you a lean, shredded body in 90 days.

It requires you to workout 6-7 days a week, and each workout is about an hour long. The workouts are set up for an advanced exerciser and in our experience just as hard as an advanced personal training session.

Check Out Our Other Post: Should You Start with the New P90X3 Instead?

What Do the P90X Workouts Look Like?

The variety of workouts keeps your metabolism up all day. One day you’ll be doing plyometrics, but the next day may be focused on strength training or martial arts. You are also going to feel your core every day even if you aren’t specifically working your abs with the Ab Ripper workout.

There are 12 workouts included in the basic program, and they’re mixed throughout the workout schedule.

Each workout is based on circuit training where you go from move to move with very little rest in between. Each workout focuses on a specific area of the body – chest and back, shoulders and arms, legs and back and so on.

The cardio-based workouts are kickboxing and plyometrics (jump training). There is also the famous Ab Ripper workout and 90-minute yoga routine. Lenovo y700 win 7 usb controller driver.

The Secret is Muscle Confusion.

The workout schedule is set up to introduce new exercises every few weeks to keep challenging the body. The idea came from athletic and bodybuilding training.

Muscle Confusion Training has been shown to:

  • accelerate your results to get leaner faster
  • break any fitness and weight loss plateaus
  • keep the mind engaged helping you focus and recruit more muscle fibers per move

Don’t have an hour or more to work out? No Problem!

Since the original workouts were so successful, Tony Horton released a harder version called X2 for grads and also P90X3. While X2 is still at that 60-90 minute range, X3 is only 30 minutes! The really cool thing is that people are seeing just as great of results with P90X3 in half of the time!

It also includes a full meal plan and calendar incorporating muscle confusion. All of the programs are available to stream on Beachbody on Demand now too.

Is this program right for you?

You might find these articles helpful in deciding if you should take the plunge.

  • Prefer bodyweight exercises? Check out 22 Minute Hardcorps

Also, there are hybrids. You could try one of those with Beachbody on Demand where you can stream several workout programs at once.

You might also be an amazing coach if you’ve tried other Beachbody workouts before. Check out our FAQ on Coaching Here.

The P90X Workout Schedule

We personally had a goal to add muscle and burn fat so we chose the Classic Schedule; however, there are different schedules for each person’s goals. Each schedule includes 13 weeks of changing workouts.

Learn More About Each P90X Workout Schedule Here

Are the Workouts Low-impact?

No – it has a mixture of strength training, cardio, flexibility, and jumping in it. P90X Plyometrics is purely based on jump training.

Free P90x Ab Ripper X Download

The nutrition plan is included with the program and is broken down into 3 phases.

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  • Fat Shredder
  • Energy Booster
  • Endurance Maximizer

Each phase has you focusing on eating whole, unprocessed foods. You’ll get a variety of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats in each plan.

Why do we like P90X?

  • Variety of workouts
  • Balanced on strength, cardio and flexibility
  • The meal plan is easy to understand
  • You can pause the workout if needed
  • Helps break plateaus – This is HUGE if you’ve been working out awhile and not seeing results
  • Tony is entertaining and motivating
  • It’s a challenging workout
  • The quality of the workouts and nutrition plan is first-class
  • You are working out like an athlete
  • Tony does a great job explaining proper form
  • The Ab Ripper X workout is a great add-on to any routine
  • 90-Day money-back guarantee
  • You can buy the DVDs or stream it with Beachbody on Demand

Order the Workouts and Meal Plan Now

or Get The Challenge Pack

The Challenge pack includes our favorite meal replacement, Shakeology, and Beachbody on Demand where you have access to see and try both the 2nd and 3rd program for 30 days!

Beachbody on Demand allows you to stream a ton of Beachbody workouts, and On Demand allows you to stream hundreds of Beachbody workouts. You can check out all the details on workout streaming here.

We love the streaming option because you have access to 700+ workouts – including all of the P90X options, 22 Minute Hard Corps and other Tony workouts!

Try the P90X Workouts for FREE for 2 Weeks with Beachbody on Demand

We’ve also fallen in love with P90X3 as well.

The new program contains the same concepts as the original, but it’s within 30 minutes with an awesome calorie burn. Check out our review of the new 30-minute program here.

Have Questions?

We’re here to help you get started. We have a new 21 Day Challenge starting every month where we help you find the best workout for your life and goals.

We also help you stay accountable and answer questions along the way in a private client-only group. The challenge is also free when you order the program.

Grab your P90X Workout Schedule Here

Try the Workouts for FREE for 2 Weeks with Beachbody on Demand

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